Contact Information

Law Enforcement Center
230 N Main Street, Suite 125
Driggs, ID 83422

208-776-8300 (phone)
208-776-8302 (fax)
[email protected]

Monday - Friday: 9 - 5, or by appointment

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NCOs & CPOs: Similar But Different

No Contact Orders (“NCOs”) and Civil Protection Orders (“CPOs”) are two types of court orders prohibiting certain types of contact between individuals.

Below is a chart outlining the key differences between NCOs and CPOs.


No Contact Orders (“NCOs”)

Civil Protection Orders (“CPOs”)

Who requests it?

The Prosecuting Attorney.

The victim of domestic violence or stalking.

Must there be a criminal case?



Who is protected?

Victims of the defendant’s crime.

Spouses; former spouses; persons related by blood, adoption, or marriage; persons who live or have lived together; persons who have had a child in common; adults who have had or are in a dating relationship, custodial parents, noncustodial parents, or guardians on behalf of minor children who have had or are in a dating relationship.

How can I get one?

The Prosecuting Attorney handling the defendant’s criminal case requests NCOs. You can contact our office with questions or to request that one be filed.

You can apply for a CPO by filling out a CPO Application Form and submitting it to the court in person at 150 Courthouse Drive, Driggs, Idaho 83422.

How much does it cost?



How can it be changed?

Only the judge can modify a NCO. You may request that the judge change or remove an NCO by filling out an NCO Modification Request Form and submitting it to the court in person at 150 Courthouse Drive, Driggs, Idaho 83422. The judge will set a hearing, at which you must appear. The judge will hear from you, the Prosecuting Attorney, and the defense before deciding whether to modify or remove the order.

Only the judge can modify a CPO. You can request that the judge change or remove the order in the same manner that you requested the original order: by filling out a CPO Application Form  and submitting it to the court in person at 150 Courthouse Drive, Driggs, Idaho 83422.

Whom does it restrict?

An NCO only applies only to the defendant in a criminal case. However, protected persons must also respect an NCO, and instigating a violation by the defendant can be charged as a crime.

Any individuals specified by the judge.

When does it expire?

As specified in the court’s order. However, the court can extend, shorten, or terminate the NCO in response to requests and information from the Prosecuting Attorney, the defense, or the victim.

As specified in the court’s order.

What happens if the offender violates the order?

A violation of an NCO is a crime. A defendant’s first two NCO violations are misdemeanors, and any subsequent violations are felonies. You should report an NCO violation to the Teton County Sheriff’s Office by filing a report at the Law Enforcement Center at 230 N. Main Street or by calling (208) 354-2323. If you are in imminent danger, call 911.

A violation of a CPO is a misdemeanor crime. You should report it to the Teton County Sheriff’s Office by filing a report at the Law Enforcement Center at 230 N. Main Street or by calling (208) 354-2323. If you are in imminent danger, call 911.

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