Contact Information

Law Enforcement Center
230 N Main Street, Suite 125
Driggs, ID 83422

208-776-8300 (phone)
208-776-8302 (fax)
[email protected]

Monday - Friday: 9 - 5, or by appointment

Official Facebook:

Witness Information

Where is the Courthouse?

The Teton County Courthouse is located at 150 Courthouse Drive, Driggs, Idaho, 83422. Please note, this is not the historic building on Main Street bearing the engraving “Teton County Courthouse.” For directions, please click the map below.

Testifying During COVID-19

Due to COVID-19, many hearings and conferences are currently being held remotely via Zoom. In most instances, to participate remotely, you will need (1) to have a computer or cell phone with video and audio capability (so the judge can both see and hear you) and (2) to download Zoom onto that device. In advance of the court date, our Victim Witness Coordinator will reach out to you with the meeting ID and entry passcode. If you do not have access to a computer or cell phone with the required capabilities or have any concerns about remote participation, please call our office at (208) 354-2990.

Tips for Testifying

  1. What to Wear. A court appearance is an important matter. As such, our office suggests wearing business professional or business casual clothing when called to testify. However, if you are a member of a profession with a uniform, such as a police officer or a paramedic, that may be appropriate as well.
  2. When to Arrive. For in-person testimony, you should arrive at the courthouse at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled hearing time. If you are a witness being called or subpoenaed by the prosecuting attorney, you should let the prosecuting attorney handling the case know when you arrive.
  3. Be Truthful. It is a crime to lie under oath. State the facts simply and concisely, as you know them. Do not exaggerate or slant the truth. If you don’t know the answer to a question, or you don’t remember something, say so. Do not guess. Witnesses who “tell it like it is” will be well-received by the judge and jurors, even if the truth seems unfavorable.
  4. Listen Carefully. Many witnesses are so anxious that they try to answer before the lawyer has finished asking the question. Listen carefully to the entire question, and make sure you understand it before speaking. If you don’t understand a question, you should politely ask the lawyer for clarification.
  5. Answer only the Question Asked. Focus on the question asked, and do not volunteer extra information. If the prosecutor or defense attorney would like more information, he or she will ask for it.
  6. Give Verbal Answers. The court record will not reflect gestures such as nodding or shaking your head. You must verbalize “yes” and “no” answers.
  7. Pause for Objections. Sometimes, a lawyer may lodge an objection to a question or to something you say. If this happens, pause and let the lawyers and judge work out the issue. Do not attempt to talk over them. When they are ready to resume your testimony, the questioner or the clerk can repeat the question to you, or ask a new question.

Witness Reimbursement

Witnesses are entitled, as set by statute, to an appearance fee of $8.00 per day, plus round trip mileage, that is paid by the Trial Court Administration. To collect your fees and mileage reimbursement, you must fill out the Witness Reimbursement Form. In most circumstances, you will receive your witness appearance fee and mileage reimbursement, if applicable, in approximately six to eight weeks.

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