Contact Information

Teton County Courthouse
150 Courthouse Drive - Room 208
Driggs, ID 83422

150 Courthouse Drive - Room 208
Driggs, ID 83422

208-776-8111 (phone)
208-776-8190 (fax)
[email protected]

Monday - Friday: 9 - 5

Voter Registration

Click here to learn if you are registered and where to vote

To register prior to the election: Complete a voter registration card and submit it in person to the County Clerk's office at least 25 days prior to the election. Click here to download a card or pick one up at the County Clerk's office. (You may mail in your voter registration card, but it must be postmarked at least 25 days prior to the election and must include a copy of a current, valid, photo ID.)

Be sure to answer all questions on the voter registration card before signing and dating the card.
To register at the polls on election day: Go to your correct polling place and complete a voter registration card. You will be required to show your Idaho driver's license with your current physical address; or a photo ID plus a document showing your name and current physical address (such as a phone bill, utility bill, certificate of auto insurance, etc.).

To register at the Courthouse before obtaining an Absentee Ballot: Go to the Courthouse in Driggs and complete a voter registration card. Show your Idaho driver's license with your current physical address; or a photo ID plus a document showing your name and current physical address (such as a phone bill, utility bill, certificate of auto insurance, etc.). You may register at the Courthouse and vote absentee at the same time (if ballots are available).

AH Digital FX Studios, Inc.